All of us for all of Him
Learning to live lives as worship. Stopping to see God at work in the regular, even in the small things. There may be both joys and trials, but in either if we look we can see how God makes the ordinary extraordinary.
Paying attention to rhythms, we learn to God-orientate our lives. Inevitably that involves becoming sensitive to God's heart, thus to justice and poverty issues in whatever context we are in. We get involved, we serve, not because we ought - but because we worship. Full stop.
We are invited to come close to God, to gaze on Him. We desire to be intimate with the ultimate.
So our corporate gatherings (currently our Sunday mornings) become an overflow of these lives of worship. Leading these then becomes about facilitating expression of this - in whatever ways make sense. Three key phrases are helpful here:
- Providing 'stop points' - enabling us to pause, to reflect, to take in, providing moments of decision and surrender
- Encouraging us to 'Enter in' - bringing the trials and joys of the week into the arena before God
- Helping us to 'Gaze on God' - using music, words, art, post-its ... whatever we find helpful.
It doesn't need us all to be extroverts, but it does bid us to come open and desiring, allowing things from the week to bubble up as we gather together.