Sunday 24 September 2017

A People Provided For - Exodus 16 & 17

As the people continue their Exodus journey God is shaping them, providing conditions where they can learn to trust Him. Chapters 16 and 17 effectively give two parallel stories about God's provision. It is no surprise that these stories come so early in the journey - they are a basic lesson for the people!

[IN] Where is God calling you to trust Him?

Challenge: Put trust into practice – stop the 'woe is me' thinking!

Sunday 10 September 2017

A People with a Song - Exodus 15

Last week we heard of God's promise to rescue the Israelites from slavery. God did that, and they were led out! Yet God then led them to the edge of the sea, and the Egyptian army came closing in behind, facing them the choice of drowning or being over-run. God did something amazing, parting the waters for them to safely cross. The army chased, but the waters closed in killing most of the pursuers. The people could clearly see that they had been spectacularly rescued, and this chapter puts the story into song.

Sunday 3 September 2017

A People Rescued - Exodus 3

This year we have been looking at the big overall story, with our theme 'His Story - Our Story'. God acting in the world He created, and us finding our place in it. We have looked also at stories of individuals and some families. Into this term we are now looking at the story of a whole people, a race, with God leading them on a journey, shaping them, preparing them for bigger purposes. Hence for the next few weeks we are considering "A People Called".

[UP] What is God's calling on your life?

Challenge: Be open to wonder!