Sunday, 11 March 2018

The One Who Serves - Luke 22:24 - 30

We can all be incredibly stupid - saying the dumbest of things! The disciples were just the same. Jesus had shared the passover meal, portraying his death and even betrayal ... and then they start talking about which of them is the greatest! Jesus sees it as a learning opportunity and cuts in on their conversation.

[UP] Do you relate to God to become greater or lesser?

Challenge: Be pro-active in self-giving

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Christians are Hopeful - Colossians 1

Paul writes to the Colossian Christians, encouraged by their faith and love. He writes that their faith and love 'spring from hope stored in heaven' (v5). Faith and love are not simply good qualities that those local Christians have made themselves good at, something naturally found in a few. Instead they result from an incredible treasure chest, a wonderful store. That store is hope - a solid anchor in the future.