Sunday, 29 March 2020

Spirit Testifies - John 16:1 - 15

Recall from last week that in these chapters Jesus is preparing the disciples for what lies ahead. In this season of lockdown our personal discipleship is vital - ensuring we carve out time to know God's presence (the discipline of OFF) and finding novel ways to do discipleship with each other ('share the walk').

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Spiritual Living- John 15:26 - 16:15

In John 15 and 16 we see that Jesus is preparing the followers for what lies ahead - which will be a complete meltdown of their world and their understanding. Jesus knows he will be arrested and cruelly executed. He has been dropping big hints about it, and he knows it will completely shake the world for his disciples.

[IN] How wide a conduit will you be for the Spirit's testimony?

Challenge: Respond with the words: “I quietly trust in Jesus”

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Kingdom Signs II - John 11

We started this series looking at Kingdom signs. Today we look at the seventh (final) sign - the culmination in a progression that leads to Jesus raising a person from their grave. Note the next phase of the gospel (chapter 12 onwards) has Jesus going up to Jerusalem for one final time, leading eventually to his death. The signs attest to who he is, but these are not recognised by the leaders of the time.

[UP] Are you willing for Jesus to stretch your faith?

Challenge: Offer prayer with the words 'Jesus has the power to change things'