Today we are looking at just 1 Corinthians 10:23 - 24, but noticing the duplication with 1 Corinthians 6:12. Paul repeats this line "I have the right to do anything", but in both chapters Paul spells out that it isn't quite that straightforward!
The Key Questions and also headline teaching points used at the Countess Free Church, Ely
Sunday, 20 November 2022
Sunday, 6 November 2022
The Kingdom of God is Messy - 1 Corinthians 7
Paul and his team had led people in Corinth to Jesus - and people had responded from their diverse and (likely) morally dubious backgrounds. Paul acted as a single man - maybe he was separated or divorced, but he certainly travelled without a wife and under contract to no-one other than Jesus: he exemplified a life given to Jesus, free to travel on mission. He also lived his life as if Jesus' return was imminent, literally 'any day now'. In discipling new Christians Paul and the team would have modelled and encouraged new believers to 'copy' them (that is discipleship, after all). So naturally those new Christians would have asked questions: "Should we be single too?", "Do all of us have to start travelling in mission?", and "If Jesus' return is imminent, should I go through with my plans to marry?". This leads to the generic question: "In becoming a Christian, how much of my 'before Jesus' situation must be changed?".
[OUT] Where is God training you to be clearer and more direct in reaching out to others?
Challenge: Offer to pray someone - because you believe in Jesus who changes lives
Sunday, 30 October 2022
Morality 101 The Sequel - 1 Corinthians 6
Does it bug you when you see someone that appears to be going backwards in their development? That was the deal for Paul writing to the Corinthians believers. He had to berate them about their disputes, and how they took each other to a secular court rather than finding a way together as brothers or sisters in Christ. In verse 8 he is effectively saying 'you behaviour is descending'!
Sunday, 9 October 2022
Morality 101 - 1 Corinthians 5
Just about all people have some kind of morality code or standards they live by. When Paul preached in Corinth he preached to broadly two types of people. First the Jews, who had a strong morality code based on Old Testament Law, and second to the Greek culture. This was much more fluid, but even in that culture philosophers had written forms of behaviour code. The fact is that any group of people develop codes between themselves. Sometimes they take time, sometimes driven by the bad things that happen - for example Facebook 'Groups' first developed levels of permission, now have options for 'group codes of conduct' etc. In the fluid situation of Corinth, where there certainly were excesses, Paul preached Jesus Christ crucified and raised. Some responded ... and those that did are now working out what it means for them to live in obedience to Jesus.
[IN] To what extent are you making your daily choices obedient to the way Jesus wants you to live?
Challenge: Be open with a trusted prayer partner about areas of difficulty
Sunday, 25 September 2022
Slum Dog Apostles - 1 Corinthians 4
This week we have seen the mother of all processions! Everyone perfectly dressed and in step, pomp & circumstance like no other, crowds lining streets with respect and cheers. Paul wrote to the Corinthian Christians about another procession. It too had king & soldiers finely dressed, marching in step as well as crowds along the streets. But a key difference is that at the back were an additional group of people, dressed in rags and dragged by chains. The crowds jeer at them as they pass. This was the scene of the victory return of a conquering king, with the conquered captives dragged behind.
Sunday, 11 September 2022
Build Your Core: Christ Crucified - 1 Corinthians 1:18 - 2:5
Last week we started the series hearing how faith in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus is primary, and all else is secondary. That means there may be other things where we disagree - in fact working through 1 Corinthians in this series will likely touch on subjects where we hold different views - but in these we can hold quiet accord because we are together in our faith in Jesus.
Sunday, 4 September 2022
No Badge but Jesus - 1 Corinthians 1
Paul starts this letter like his others: celebrating who the recipients are in Jesus, and what Jesus has done for them. In v4 he writes of the grace given in Jesus, v5 the enriching in Jesus, v8 how Jesus will keep them to the end, and v9 how God has called them into fellowship with His Son - Jesus. Paul is only able to write to them as believers because of what God has done through Jesus. Paul's original job in Corinth was to bear witness to Jesus, the rest was God's work through Jesus to those in Corinth - who now believe and are a collection of people to write to. In short it is all about Jesus, and God's work through Jesus.
[UP] How does the life, death & resurrection of Jesus set the tone for everything you do?
Challenge: Reflect on who you are in Christ
Sunday, 17 July 2022
Keys to the Kingdom - Matthew 16
In a marriage two people come together and unite their lives. In doing so they move in with each other - they effectively give each other keys to their house. Yet not just their house - their whole lives, their bodies, everything. Marriage is mutual invitation from one to another to fully come into their life.
Sunday, 26 June 2022
Temple of the Holy Spirit - 1 Cor 6:12 - 20
Although today's passage talks about sexual morality, today we are focusing on Paul's assertion that our bodies are Temples of the Holy Spirit. This echoes 1 Corinthians 3:16, and also in Ephesians 2:19 - 22. Paul is arguing that a life that indulges sexual immorality is incompatible with our status as a temple of the Holy Spirit.
[IN] Do I keep in mind that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit?
Challenge: Honour God with your body, welcome His presence in you.
Sunday, 19 June 2022
Like Father Like Son - John 5
We ask our children what they want to do when they grow up, and we have our own hopes and aspirations for them. In the coming weeks many children will be anticipating the 'next step', e.g. going up to secondary school, or to sixth form, or beyond. As parents our aspirations get invested in that too. And with God the Father along with Jesus His Son there is similar stuff going on: the Father had aspirations and desires for His Son - plans that Jesus fully embraced and set about to fulfill. With the Father and Jesus it was the ultimate father/son business thing going on.
Sunday, 15 May 2022
Hopeful for the Harvest - Luke 10
If you are going out, and you know the weather forecast is for rain, you are likely to dress appropriately and/or take an umbrella. If you know you will be out in scorching sun your mum will probably send you off prepared with sun cream. Jesus sent off the disciples, and did so with an expectancy that there is a harvest to be reaped.
Sunday, 8 May 2022
Be Fruitful - John 15
Jesus told a story of a man who had a vineyard, which contained a fig tree. The man looked for fruit on it, but none came. In frustration he ordered a servant to cut it down - but the servant said 'wait one more year - if it still has no fruit then cut it down'. In the John 15 passage Jesus describes himself as a vine, the disciples as branches, and the Father as the gardener. There is a clear expectation that the branches will be fruitful, but with that comes the "What if?" question if there is no fruit?
[UP] Are you learning to be about the Father's business?
Challenge: Pause! Use a simple 'breath prayer' to abide in Jesus
Sunday, 17 April 2022
True Connection - Colossians 2
What is the first thing a brand new phone does when first switched on? Those who have bought one (or done a full reset on an old phone) will know that one of the first prompts is for a Wifi code! It then wants you to 'log in' using a Google or Apple ID. In other words it wants connection! This is designed and built in to the device - it can try and work without it, but it will certainly not give you all it's capabilities without it.
Sunday, 10 April 2022
Passover on Steroids - 2 Chronicles 35
This week we look at Josiah, who is another reformer. Over the recent kings we have looked at, we have seen a ping-pong effect of bad kings interleaved with reforming kings like Hezekiah and now Josiah. The reformers call people back to God, and use the Passover celebration as a way of doing that. To understand why we need to travel back 700 years earlier to the time of Moses
[OUT] How does the death & resurrection of Jesus burn in your heart for change in you and those around you?
Challenge: Establish regular rhythms calling on God for change in those around you
Sunday, 6 March 2022
Don't Be Deceived - 2 Chronicles 18
Who has ever bought something in a shop, but then tried to justify the purchase later? Who has been seeking guidance, and consulted different friends ... but in reality you are doing a tour until you find a friend who tells you what you want to hear? Probably we've all done these at one time or another! When it comes to guidance our emotions and stuff deep within us interact in strong ways. So when we say "I'm following Jesus ..." do we really have our lives set on Him to show a 'True North', or do we let these other factors win the day?
[IN] Am I open to God's direction, or in truth will I only set about 'my thing'?
Challenge: Lay down your plans & preferences before God, again and again
Sunday, 30 January 2022
If You Were King? - 2 Chronicles 19 - 27
We all face decisions in life, and sometimes outright dilemmas! In each situation is what we do informed by our faith and walk with Jesus. What do we do in scenarios where we have power - perhaps outright power? This week we will look at several of the kings in 2 Chronicles, and ask 'What would you do if you were king?'.
Sunday, 23 January 2022
Temple Theology - 2 Chronicles 6:14 - 21
Solomon has completed the temple, and chapters 6 & 7 record a long prayer that Solomon makes, with God then speaking back. We should note how Solomon seems to know that the people will mess up, for he prays 'when' and not 'if', and furthermore God's reply seems to reflect this certainty! So Solomon prays 'when they mess up' ... they can look to this Temple, confess and pray to be restored. In other words the Temple is now a physical focal point, a reminder of the faithfulness of God, somewhere they can look to in order to reconnect with God.
Sunday, 16 January 2022
Glory! - 2 Chronicles 5:2 - 14
By chapter 5 in 2 Chronicles we are at a real high point. It is a moment for the Glory of God. God came powerfully among the people in a way that they could not mistake for anything else. At Countess Free Church the leadership team hold three key strategic areas where we are looking for growth among us. One of these is headed 'God Among Us - Looking for the Lord powerfully present among us'.
Sunday, 9 January 2022
Ask for Wisdom - 2 Chronicles 1
How does it work in your family regarding Christmas presents? Do you all make lists, or do some of you like surprises? In 2 Chronicles 1 Solomon seems to be invited by God to make the mother of all Christmas lists - 'Ask for anything you want!'.
[UP] Do you live by your own wisdom, or the wisdom of the Spirit?
Challenge: Regularly ask for His Holy Spirit wisdom