- In the ruler's moment of desperation Jesus goes with him
- In the lady's moment of desperation Jesus affirms her
- When the ruler gets bad news Jesus leads on in faith
- Yet in going into the house Jesus gets the right people around him
- And finally Jesus has power over life and death
The disciples saw and experienced all that. Yet in the book of Acts they then had to get on with it themselves. In short, they had to take responsibility for their own discipleship. We must do the same! That means attention to our rhythms and diet:
- Feeding yourself, through good habits and practices such as prayer, reading scripture, worship, reflection on your own walk with God (e.g. use key questions!)
- special moments like retreats, conferences etc.
- finding people to support you - maybe a small group of 2 or 3 to hold each other accountable and share deep things
- Journeying with others - God calls us into community, even Paul didn't travel alone!
- the concept of 'Communitas' - by journeying together through the hard stuff you learn more of each other and of God
- that requires a counter-cultural commitment to each other
- Participating in God's mission purposes - going out there and doing Kingdom stuff
- remember we typically learn by doing
- Giving and receiving - being open and generous, yet letting God also bless us through others
[IN] What aspect of your discipleship is God challenging you about?
Start changing/improving one aspect of your discipleship by Easter
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